Frequently Asked Questions

  • Winsight is a created word from the combining of the words Wisdom and Insight.

    The inspiration for this is from Proverbs 4:7 which says, “The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight.”

  • A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members solve their problems and gain wise encouragement with input and advice from the other group members.

    • A group of others who are as invested in your well-being and success as you are.

    • A judgement-free sounding board

    • Help you brainstorm solutions to your problems and held your feet to the fire

    • Dream bigger dreams and achieve bigger things

    • Renewed enthusiasm and an action plan to accomplish your goals.

  • At Winsight we see Masterminds and Group Coaching differently.

    Masterminds are peer-groups, led by a facilitator for the purpose of leaning into the insight, experiences, and history of the group for growth and advancement.

    Group Coaching is more of a one-to-many approach where the facilitator serves more as a ‘teacher’ than one who encourages group discussion.

    Both are very useful, but at Winsight we follow a mastermind approach to help our members succeed.

  • Your group will meet weekly, for an hour each week at a recurring and scheduled time.

  • Each group will have no more than 8 business owners.

    From experience we’ve seen that when more than 8 are in a group it can be hard to give everyone an equal amount of time, and depth of conversation can be difficult.

  • At Winsight we believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, use Biblical wisdom as our basis for truth, and believe true wisdom only comes from God. We will often reference and look to scripture for answers and direction and pray when times are tough.

    However, you do not need to believe what we believe in order to grow and succeed with Winsight.

    We welcome and value all people.