About Me

Hi, I’m Brian!

I founded Winsight Leadership in 2022 to encourage small-business owners to build healthy businesses, nurture and lead their families, and live a life without regret.

I’ve led over 2,500+ masterminds as a Business and Leadership coach for Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership department (and arm of Ramsey Solutions) and worked with thousands of small business while working at Yelp.

Since 2013 I’ve been able to speak with business owners on the front-lines as they navigated employee issues, marketing decisions, expansion opportunities, economic issues, pandemics, embezzlement, marital issues, and even death.

It’s been an honor.

I love helping people (Enneagram 2 here!), and have had the privilege of walking with many through some truly incredible times of their business, and with others in some of the darkest times of their life.

My catalyst moment happened in 2016 while on a Mastermind call…

I was talking with 8-10 business owners from a variety of industries (moving company, accountants, lawyers, dentists…you name it), when a new entrepreneur brought up a question to the group.

“I’m working 80 hours a week right now, and I have a young family at home…how do I do more with my time and get through this?”

The group was quick to jump in.

“Have you heard of Asana?”
”Have you ever tried time-blocking?”
” What type of digital planner do you use?”

Then I looked at an older gentlemen that hadn’t said anything (we’ll call him Jerry).

I asked him to speak up, and this is what he said:

“I was like you 30 years ago, and I asked the same question and have spent the last 30 years working my butt off. What I have now is nothing short of a miracle. A business worth over $10M, I’ve been able to travel to places I never thought I’d go, and eat some of the most incredible food because of my success…”

“…but 6 months ago I woke up and realized that I have a 16 year old that I don’t know…and I don’t think there’s time to fix it before he leaves.”

“I spent all of my time working FOR my family, but completely missed them. You’ve got a young family. Your business will be there, but if you do it wrong your family won’t.”

The call fell silent.

All the air was sucked from the call. Some people wiped tears from their eyes.

We all knew in that moment we weren’t talking about business anymore…but we were having the right discussion.

I remember this conversation like it was yesterday and, honestly, it still affects me. It’s the reason I started Winsight Leadership.

Here’s the thing.

I want you to build a business that makes more money than you’ve ever dreamed of.

But I want you to win at home more.

I’ve been blessed with 4 sons and an incredible wife, and I FIRMLY believe that success in business doesn’t have to be done at the expense of those you love.

I know that if Jerry had a group of like-minded peers around him 30-years earlier that someone would have spoked up and said, “Hey man, I think you’re out of balance here” and the heartache with his family could have been saved.

But unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

Winsight Leadership exists to keep that story from ever having the chance to happen again, and to surround small-business owners with the support, encouragement, and community they need to not only succeed but thrive.

I believe in masterminds because I’ve seen the life-changing power they can bring.

And am building Winsight to be a a place of connection, hope, and encouragement for any small-business owner looking to not do their business journey alone.