Intentional Leaders Prioritize Self, Family, and Team Health

Coaching to help you build a healthy organization and become the leader others want to follow.

“I've been in a Mastermind with Brian since 2017. He is an amazing coach with a great heart. I can always rely on him to shoot me straight and "speak the truth in love" when necessary. A great coach will tell you what you may not want to hear, but really need to hear. He’s a great reflective listener and is intentional to fully understand and clarify what you're trying to say. He may know what the answer to your problem is, but he’s always great at helping you come up with the solution on your own. I’d highly recommend him!”

Ashley Coerver

Owner, Crosspointe Dental & Orthodontics

Being An Intentional Leader Is Hard

I understand. Since 2016 I’ve worked with hundreds of small-business leaders from around the world who have faced incredible challenges and have come out the other side stronger.

We believe you have what it takes to be successful. We want to help you get there faster.

Trusted By Small-Business Owners Like You

How We Can Help

Mastermind Groups

. Weekly Office Hours
. Private Member Portal
. Monthly Training Webinar
. Weekly 60-min Mastermind
. Private Virtual Events
. Quarterly Check-Ins

. 1
Annual Team Workshop
(2) 60/min calls a month
Voxer Coaching Access

. Weekly Office Hours
. Private Member Portal
. Monthly Training Webinar
. Weekly 60-min Mastermind
. Private Virtual Events
. Quarterly Check-Ins
. 1 Annual Team Workshop
. (2) 60/min calls a month
. Voxer Coaching Access

One-On-One Coaching

Most small-business owners feel isolated and overwhelmed.

As a small business owner, your to-do list is never ending and if anyone were to ask “What keeps you up at night?”you’d likely think, “Where do you want me to start?”. How will I make payroll? What should I do with my marketing? My business feels like it’s robbing time from my family and I don’t know what to do. It feels like nobody really understands what I’m dealing. On and on it goes. It’s overwhelming and exhausting.

I get it. The weight you carry as a small-business owner isn’t something many understand…not even your friends and family.

  • I’ve led over 2,500+ masterminds and had thousands of conversations with small business owners as a leadership coach with Dave Ramsey’s company, Ramsey Solutions. I’ve heard real-stories of loneliness, isolation, and frustration, and been able to help people as they walk through some of the darkest parts of their life…and figure out next steps.

    When you join Winsight, you get access to a coach who has coached hundreds of small-business owners, and who cares about you succeeding at work and home (because I have 4 sons and a wife that count on me as well).

    More than that, when you join a Mastermind you’ll have access to other small-business owners who are on traveling on a similar journey, who understand. And who can provide you resources, accountability, and support along the way.

    From there you’ll have a community and support system to help you as you navigate the storms, and celebrate the successes of entrepreneurship. You’ll be able to lead your team so you’re not the “Chief Everything Officer”, leaving you the time, and energy to focus on what really matters.